Storage emulated 0
Storage emulated 0

storage emulated 0

* For a little bit more details on Android's mount namespace implementation, see this answer. * There were minor differences on previous Android versions but the concept of emulation was same ever since implemented. * VIEW is one of read (for apps with permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) or write (permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) or default (for processes running in root/global mount namespace i.e.

storage emulated 0

* USER-ID of current user in case of Multiple Users or Work Profile, normally 0 i.e. * >S> for symlink, >E> for emulated and >B> for bind mount mnt/runtime/default/emulated >E> /data/media storage/emulated >B> /mnt/runtime/default/emulated mnt/runtime/default/self/primary >S> /mnt/user/USER-ID/primary # for services/daemons/processes in root/global namespace (VIEW = default) mnt/runtime/VIEW/emulated >E> /data/media storage/emulated >B> /mnt/runtime/VIEW/emulated mnt/user/USER-ID/primary >S> /storage/emulated/USER-ID # "/storage to VIEW" bind mount is inside a separate mount namespace for every app

storage emulated 0

On Android 6+: # for (Java) Android apps (running inside zygote virtual machine) On Android 5: /sdcard >S> /storage/emulated/legacy >S> /mnt/shell/emulated/0 This is with reference to my previous answer here, but with more relevant details. storage/emulated/0/ is actually /data/media/0/ exposed through an emulated / virtual filesystem, not the actual one.

Storage emulated 0